The decision to conceive, co-organize and execute a TEDx event, the only TEDx experience in Bolivia, was for us a great endeavor. Our decision to take this on was solely based on the fact that we share TED's vision that there are ideas worth spreading.

Fundación Progreso and its staff, dedicated months of work in planning and executing this event, with a mission to create a unique experience, an event of global caliber - in general an event that we could be proud of. Fundación Progreso, Since the beginning of the foundation's operations, we have been incubating Bolivia's first Impact Investment Fund, as innovators in this regard, we have considered and purposely sought out to have contact and share common experiences with whom we consider our leaders and innovators in social enterprise, in Bolivia.

A pivotal part of the TEDx experience, were our guests. We have always considered this audience as potential agents of change, all of you burdened with the responsibility to help us transmit the inspiring ideas presented in our TEDx event. We want more people to be a part of this initiative, of this movement. We believe that the success of this event will depend, in a significant way, to all of you. With out new receptors, people willing to receive, and sensitive to the reception of new ideas, potential agents of change or innovators in their own right, this event would be pointless.
On behalf of Fundación Progreso, our staff and volunteers; we want to thank all of you for responding so positively to this endeavor. We sincerely hope that all the effort, from all the people responsible for this event, did not go unnoticed and resulted in a satisfying and positive experience to all of you.
During the days, weeks and months to come, we will continue to bring you updates from this event. More photos, news, press and, of course, videos. Please visit the link below and watch your favorite TEDx SansFrontieres talk in YouTube. 10,000 views on any video could result in the video going to the platform. We hope you continue to support this and other initiatives of innovation and social meaning. We hope you will support us further in our future plans and endeavors. We thank you for taking an interest - we hope you were inspired.